Student Advisory Council

What is the Student Advisory Council?


Roughly every month, TVDSB holds Student Advisory Council meetings, otherwise known as SAC meetings. At the meetings, the student voice and ways to better TVDSB schools are discussed. These meetings are attended by the student senators. 

What is a Student Senator?


Student senators represent their school at SAC meetings, and are responsible for keeping their school community informed on what occurs at them. They also carry out SAC action items and other student initiatives within their school.  Two student senators are selected from each school. At Central, they are chosen through an application process and appointed by the principal. You can approach your student senators with any school related concerns and be sure it will reach SAC- and by extension, theTVDSB. 

What is a Student Trustee?


Student senators attend SAC meetings, and student trustees run the meetings. A student trustee is an elected student who sits on the TVDSB board as an official trustee. They, using input from student senators, represent the student voice at board meetings and are the highest student power. They are elected, most often, from the student senators. There are three trustees, one of which being the indigenous student trustee who represents the indigenous student voice specifically.  


How can I become a Student Senator or Trustee?


To become a student senator at Central, listen for announcements at the beginning of the school year inviting students to apply. To run in the student trustee election, contact the principal directly by email. The election this year will be on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 and the Indigenous student trustee election will be on Thursday, February 18, 2021.

SAC Meeting Notes 


To submit your concerns to your student senators:

Feel free to submit any thoughts you may have. For inspiration, the next SAC meeting will discuss:_____________ in particular. 


Contact Us

© 2023 , 509 Waterloo Street, London, N6B 2P8. Tel. 519-452-2620, Fax 519-452-2639,, Superintendent: T. Vacante, Trustees: B.Mai, S. Moore